Sig:ar:tyr - Citadel Of Stars
Release Date: May 31st, 2024
Hammerheart Records
Sig:ar:tyr are an excellent black/viking metal one-man band from Canada. On this release, Daemonskald handles all the instruments with confidence. I was surprised to see that he was the sole member after reading the accompanied bio in the press kit. They are out there of course, but I have not heard too many one-man bands this well done. "Citadel Of Stars" is a melodic and engrossing experience that is captivating as well as aggressive. Daemonskald does an excellent job of crafting an album can keep listeners engaged. There is an almost wall-like sound to Citadel of Stars with all the parts intertwining well to create an assertive result. Melodic black metal is an old favorite of mine throughout the years, and Sig:ar:tyr rank up there with the best of them. Everything you could hope to get from metal is present here through all the different instruments serving in purposeful unity and brought together with great production. For 20 years Daemonskald has been using Sig:ar:tyr to channel his creative aspirations. It shows that he has refined his craft over that time to arrive where he is on this release. For those of us that collect cds, there will be a two cd option that includes his 2003 demo, "The Stranger". Great album.
Release Date: May 31st, 2024
Hammerheart Records
Sig:ar:tyr are an excellent black/viking metal one-man band from Canada. On this release, Daemonskald handles all the instruments with confidence. I was surprised to see that he was the sole member after reading the accompanied bio in the press kit. They are out there of course, but I have not heard too many one-man bands this well done. "Citadel Of Stars" is a melodic and engrossing experience that is captivating as well as aggressive. Daemonskald does an excellent job of crafting an album can keep listeners engaged. There is an almost wall-like sound to Citadel of Stars with all the parts intertwining well to create an assertive result. Melodic black metal is an old favorite of mine throughout the years, and Sig:ar:tyr rank up there with the best of them. Everything you could hope to get from metal is present here through all the different instruments serving in purposeful unity and brought together with great production. For 20 years Daemonskald has been using Sig:ar:tyr to channel his creative aspirations. It shows that he has refined his craft over that time to arrive where he is on this release. For those of us that collect cds, there will be a two cd option that includes his 2003 demo, "The Stranger". Great album.