Ceremonial Death is a Swedish death metal band who recently released a new split titled Aftermath of Death Vol. 1 with Unformulas. I was
able to spend a few minutes speaking with their bassist Emma Rudolfsson about her new band and other metal related things!
Can you describe what and who Ceremonial Death is for us?
Jonas Blom (guitar) started the band as a one-man project in 2022. He wanted to write and play some old school death metal. Like 80-90’s death metal. In 2023 he recruited some members from his other band Death Reich: Robert Babic, guitar and Christer Bergqvist, vocals. Also the drummer from Voodus, Marcus Fors joined the band. Eventually I joined the band and Tobbe Kellgren replaced Marcus on drums. Recently however Christer, vocals decided to leave the band due to other priorities at the moment.
What did you hope to accomplish with this creative outlet that you havn't done with your other projects?
The main thing for me is to have an active band. To rehearse and get to play some gigs once in a while. To have a band and not just meet up before a gig. So, very much to have an active hobby which I love.
Ceremonial Death recently released music in the form of a split Unformulas. There is an obvious influence of classic Swedish death metal here. Why do you think there is a resurgence of interest in the older sounds?
Well things usually move in cycles and perhaps now the time is ready for the "older sounds", enough time has passed to get that distance to it and for it to be nostalgic. To explore it again and to evolve further.
Is there any interest releasing a full length album for this band?
Yes, we are rehearsing new songs and our plan is to do a full length. Right now we are looking for a new vocalist. But we are hopeful and it will be a full length eventually.
What about metal in general inspires you? It is still an acquired taste for some despite its growth in popularity.
What about metal that inspires me... hm, hard to say. I've been in it for so long. Must be the mood it creates in different ways, and the dedication of those who are into it and the culture and authenticity that comes with it. The genre is wide and there's a lot to explore still. There's a lot of new bands to discover and that is inspiring. Like going to a festival and seeing bands you've never heard before, I love that!
I find it amazing that you are able to make music with your husband Nicklas Rudolfsson from Runemagick, Unformulas and others. What are the good parts and challenges (if any) of making music together?
The music part has always been a good thing in our relationship. So actually it has never challenged our relationship rather enhanced it. The only challenge has been to be away from our kids. Unfortunately we have split up and no longer live together. We are good friends and have no problem cooperating and so far that hasn’t affected Runemagick or The Funeral Orchestra. On the other hand, those bands aren't that active right now when it comes to live performances anyway.
With all the inspiration that has been drawn from Swedish metal do you think it still retains a distinctive sound compared to other areas?
I think this is a tricky question. I mean there has been. But I can’t say how it is right now. I mean there are still bands that perhaps have that ”Swedish sound” but when it comes to new bands I don’t think that it’s quite that distinct. And not as much divided in distinct ”Gothenburg sound” or ”Stockholm sound” as it was with the Swedish bands in the 90’s.
What was your initial inspiration to pursue music?
At first my inspiration came from the bands that I listened to. When I was a teenager and in my youth, almost all of my friends were part of a band or involved in the music scene in any way. There were a lot of gigs in Gothenburg and in the surrounding area, where I grew up. That inspired me as well. Then I met some other girls that were interested in extreme metal (there were not that many girls in the scene back then), and we had this band together, Dracena.
You have been a part of a few different bands. What releases of yours are you most fond of?
I would say Darkness, Death, Doom as well as the latest album, Beyond the cenotaph of Mankind, with Runemagick and -Negative Evocation Rites with The Funeral Orchestra.
Any parting information you'd like to share regarding Ceremonial Death or any other musical outlet you are part of?
I really hope for some gigs soon and we really need a new vocalist!
able to spend a few minutes speaking with their bassist Emma Rudolfsson about her new band and other metal related things!
Can you describe what and who Ceremonial Death is for us?
Jonas Blom (guitar) started the band as a one-man project in 2022. He wanted to write and play some old school death metal. Like 80-90’s death metal. In 2023 he recruited some members from his other band Death Reich: Robert Babic, guitar and Christer Bergqvist, vocals. Also the drummer from Voodus, Marcus Fors joined the band. Eventually I joined the band and Tobbe Kellgren replaced Marcus on drums. Recently however Christer, vocals decided to leave the band due to other priorities at the moment.
What did you hope to accomplish with this creative outlet that you havn't done with your other projects?
The main thing for me is to have an active band. To rehearse and get to play some gigs once in a while. To have a band and not just meet up before a gig. So, very much to have an active hobby which I love.
Ceremonial Death recently released music in the form of a split Unformulas. There is an obvious influence of classic Swedish death metal here. Why do you think there is a resurgence of interest in the older sounds?
Well things usually move in cycles and perhaps now the time is ready for the "older sounds", enough time has passed to get that distance to it and for it to be nostalgic. To explore it again and to evolve further.
Is there any interest releasing a full length album for this band?
Yes, we are rehearsing new songs and our plan is to do a full length. Right now we are looking for a new vocalist. But we are hopeful and it will be a full length eventually.
What about metal in general inspires you? It is still an acquired taste for some despite its growth in popularity.
What about metal that inspires me... hm, hard to say. I've been in it for so long. Must be the mood it creates in different ways, and the dedication of those who are into it and the culture and authenticity that comes with it. The genre is wide and there's a lot to explore still. There's a lot of new bands to discover and that is inspiring. Like going to a festival and seeing bands you've never heard before, I love that!
I find it amazing that you are able to make music with your husband Nicklas Rudolfsson from Runemagick, Unformulas and others. What are the good parts and challenges (if any) of making music together?
The music part has always been a good thing in our relationship. So actually it has never challenged our relationship rather enhanced it. The only challenge has been to be away from our kids. Unfortunately we have split up and no longer live together. We are good friends and have no problem cooperating and so far that hasn’t affected Runemagick or The Funeral Orchestra. On the other hand, those bands aren't that active right now when it comes to live performances anyway.
With all the inspiration that has been drawn from Swedish metal do you think it still retains a distinctive sound compared to other areas?
I think this is a tricky question. I mean there has been. But I can’t say how it is right now. I mean there are still bands that perhaps have that ”Swedish sound” but when it comes to new bands I don’t think that it’s quite that distinct. And not as much divided in distinct ”Gothenburg sound” or ”Stockholm sound” as it was with the Swedish bands in the 90’s.
What was your initial inspiration to pursue music?
At first my inspiration came from the bands that I listened to. When I was a teenager and in my youth, almost all of my friends were part of a band or involved in the music scene in any way. There were a lot of gigs in Gothenburg and in the surrounding area, where I grew up. That inspired me as well. Then I met some other girls that were interested in extreme metal (there were not that many girls in the scene back then), and we had this band together, Dracena.
You have been a part of a few different bands. What releases of yours are you most fond of?
I would say Darkness, Death, Doom as well as the latest album, Beyond the cenotaph of Mankind, with Runemagick and -Negative Evocation Rites with The Funeral Orchestra.
Any parting information you'd like to share regarding Ceremonial Death or any other musical outlet you are part of?
I really hope for some gigs soon and we really need a new vocalist!