autumn revenant
Thomas Zimmerman
no matter how i carve
the jack o lantern
cracks your smile
drunken poet drowns
embracing harvest moon
reflected in the river
goth wedding
hazy blood moon
your opioid
dissolving in dark rum
the heady chalice cracks
you are hers
mere thing hereafter
Thomas Zimmerman (he/him/his) teaches English, directs the Writing Center, and edits The Big Windows Review at Washtenaw Community College, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. His new poetry collection, My Night to Cook, is forthcoming from Cyberwit. Website: https:/ Twitter: @bwr_tom Instagram: tzman2012
Thomas Zimmerman
no matter how i carve
the jack o lantern
cracks your smile
drunken poet drowns
embracing harvest moon
reflected in the river
goth wedding
hazy blood moon
your opioid
dissolving in dark rum
the heady chalice cracks
you are hers
mere thing hereafter
Thomas Zimmerman (he/him/his) teaches English, directs the Writing Center, and edits The Big Windows Review at Washtenaw Community College, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. His new poetry collection, My Night to Cook, is forthcoming from Cyberwit. Website: https:/ Twitter: @bwr_tom Instagram: tzman2012